Sunday, June 30, 2019

The bang bang club review

Welcome everyone to the five review of the course. "the Bang bang club its defnitely one of the movies that i most enjoy it, not the best, but is good anyway.

Image result for bang bang club

1. In general, what did you like and dislike about the film?

I like a lot of things, the first one was the way in the story was told, for me was good, i didn't feel that was to fast or to slow so was good.
Another thing was the friendship that the club has it between them cause was really real o cute, they helped echa other every time that they got the oportunity and also they support when one of them has succes with their own projects and thats is amazing.
I like so much the "violence" but in the good sense, i mean, i think thats is so important to show what really happened and not triyng to decorate with little things, ans this movie did that, show the world how rude was living in that.

What i don't like is this dramatic thing about relationships of love, i don't think that was necesesary, cause so many times lost the focus of the real inttentions of the movie, so thank u next with that.
 (i know that i shouldn't say this but the performance of the actors was'nt so good but whatever)

2.  How does the film make you think about your future role as journalists and film makers/producers/creators/directors?

This questin really make me feel bitersweet cause honestly i hope that i can do another thing exept jounalist hahaha, maybe is a little weird but i undertsand myself. Well i think that is very important that the journalist know the power that they had, basically they had evern more power that, i dont know everything?? they can do the things masive, the can control de people, they are the ones who make the world change cause they has the place to do. 
The truth is important, the real things has to be massive, the journalist are importants, so take care of what you doing. 

3. How have the dreams from the anti-apartheid struggle played out since the ANC has been in power? 
I think that we have to stay present that maybe is impossible fix all the problems and struggles that a country has to deal all the time, the troubles aren't gonna disappear in 20 years, so obviously South Africa Still have problems, but that doesn't mean that they aren´t moving on or did a lot tot fo things, maybe in economy thet still have things to fix, but honestly i can see that they aren't the same persons that they use to be in the apartheid.
I think their dreams maybe faded away cause they don't see a lot of changes, and thats maybe also the reason why the anc dropped on the national vote in 60% cause they don't truste them anymore.  

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Hi everyone it's me again. Today we're gonna tal about the movie review of the movie "cry a freedom". Honestly i like a lot, but for me was so difficult to pay attetion two hours hahaha always ,y problem with the movies is that i can't focus myself for so many time :(, but whatever that does't matter. Here we go with the review.

Cry Freedom.jpg

1. Who was your favorite character from the film? Why?

Honestly i never like to pick the main characters as my favourites cause for me its kinda expected, but in this case i can't no pick them cause was really relevant and what they did was so major and important. With this i'm tring to say that my favourites characters are Steve Biko and his firend Donald Woods. Hi really enjoy it a lot the firendship about both of them and the way was happened that.
Teh things that Donald did after the deadh of Steve was also amazing, brave and honestly this weren't like the others movies when they trying to clean the image of the wtithe guy, in here felt different i think this was more honest i don't know how to express that haha.
Obvisuly we have to talk about all the contribution that Steve did for his country, even not being part of any big organization.

2. What was your favorite scene from the film? Why?

I think that my favourite scene is not the big deal but i really like i lot and was at the begginig the first time when the girl (that i don't remeber her name right now) went to the office of Wood and call him out. The passion and sometimes the fury of all the things that she told him was really inspire.
Another scene that i like was the first time that Wood search Biko in that place where the people was working in so many different things.
The last one was all the scene when we have the chance to saw the beatifull place were the movie was shoot i mean, Zimbabwe, cause the past year i did a task about that and the goverment about Zimbabwe so i knew a lot about the politic thing but no about the beatifull place.

3. How does the film differ from the other films? Use the article from The Guardian to help you

I think principal is different cause of all the movie, Biko was the first one to not participate in the ANC or another movement, so the things that he did was for his count and thats is so brave cause sometimes you need someone to cover your back.
And also cause we can see the apartheid in another country of South Africa and not just the country of Mandela, Zimbabwe has a lot of things to tell us about history so is good to see the black fight for another point of view. 

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Third review: Catch a fire

Well first at all, i want to say that actually this is my favourite movie of the 3 we saw, cause it's even more raw, more explicit, and more amazing just because of that.
Don't get me wrong, the other movies were amazing but this is more stronger about the scenes so i like it mor.

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1.-In general, what did you like and dislike about the film?
Honestly i like a lot the movie, and what i like the most was that they don't hide nothing, they show us the crude reality. In another movies we saw that but i don't think that in the way that Catch the fire does.
Because of that my favourite scenes were two, the fisrt was when the "bad guys" taken the little child and force him to see how they beat Patrick.
And the second was when all of them was listened Bob marley music, eating and occking and later they was attacked.
I don't how i can explain myself, but this type os scene are so raw that make me feel even more empathic with the pain and the suffer.

PD: another amazing scene was hen Patrick and Precious  hug each other and says sorry for all the things.

Right now i can't think in something that i dislike, cause even the narrative is good haha.

2.- Who was the character you like the most and the character you liked the least in the film? Why?
Maybe you hate with this but i want to say that this is my favoruite character beacuse i really feel his interpretation, i really believe his performance, i saw the hate, the anger, so makes me felt so uncomfortable, so just to be clear, its about his performance and not because his role and the movie.
My favoruite character is Nic vos hahaha. Obviusly i hate and dislike everything that he does, but that doesn't mean thta i hate the ole perfomance cuase he is such an amazing actor:((((

I don't have a least favoruite character but the one that cause my conflic was Patrick, because yeah he was a big important part of the movie, but in his personal life he wasn't the best, so that makes me feel so torn about his persona. Yeah he was this heroe but he did bad things too specially to precious, But whatever at least they say sorry to each other and both can forget.

3.- What was the role of Samora Machel, the FRELIMO, and revolutionary Mozambique in the struggle against the South African apartheid? Use examples from the film and the biography of Samora Machel
Samora and the Frelimo were so important to the movement and the revolitonary against the apartehid cause they fight and let that people training in their camps so they can be ready or prepare to anithyng. 
Samora its important cause he prepare the first atack of FRELIMO, so obviosly his role was to be one of the revolutionarty that did amazing things to help his country and trying to end the apartheid, also de FRELIMO and the revolutionaru Mozambique, cause they search the same.