Saturday, June 1, 2019

Third review: Catch a fire

Well first at all, i want to say that actually this is my favourite movie of the 3 we saw, cause it's even more raw, more explicit, and more amazing just because of that.
Don't get me wrong, the other movies were amazing but this is more stronger about the scenes so i like it mor.

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1.-In general, what did you like and dislike about the film?
Honestly i like a lot the movie, and what i like the most was that they don't hide nothing, they show us the crude reality. In another movies we saw that but i don't think that in the way that Catch the fire does.
Because of that my favourite scenes were two, the fisrt was when the "bad guys" taken the little child and force him to see how they beat Patrick.
And the second was when all of them was listened Bob marley music, eating and occking and later they was attacked.
I don't how i can explain myself, but this type os scene are so raw that make me feel even more empathic with the pain and the suffer.

PD: another amazing scene was hen Patrick and Precious  hug each other and says sorry for all the things.

Right now i can't think in something that i dislike, cause even the narrative is good haha.

2.- Who was the character you like the most and the character you liked the least in the film? Why?
Maybe you hate with this but i want to say that this is my favoruite character beacuse i really feel his interpretation, i really believe his performance, i saw the hate, the anger, so makes me felt so uncomfortable, so just to be clear, its about his performance and not because his role and the movie.
My favoruite character is Nic vos hahaha. Obviusly i hate and dislike everything that he does, but that doesn't mean thta i hate the ole perfomance cuase he is such an amazing actor:((((

I don't have a least favoruite character but the one that cause my conflic was Patrick, because yeah he was a big important part of the movie, but in his personal life he wasn't the best, so that makes me feel so torn about his persona. Yeah he was this heroe but he did bad things too specially to precious, But whatever at least they say sorry to each other and both can forget.

3.- What was the role of Samora Machel, the FRELIMO, and revolutionary Mozambique in the struggle against the South African apartheid? Use examples from the film and the biography of Samora Machel
Samora and the Frelimo were so important to the movement and the revolitonary against the apartehid cause they fight and let that people training in their camps so they can be ready or prepare to anithyng. 
Samora its important cause he prepare the first atack of FRELIMO, so obviosly his role was to be one of the revolutionarty that did amazing things to help his country and trying to end the apartheid, also de FRELIMO and the revolutionaru Mozambique, cause they search the same.


  1. I really liked this movie, and I also felt that way towards Patrick

  2. i like the music of Bob Marley haha

  3. My favorite scene was also that when they took the little children and made him watch, very good and sad scene
